Sitech Site Infrastructure is constantly looking for innovations to improve the safety and efficiency of the rail infrastructure at the Chemelot site. Not always easy, but luckily they are already on the right track. “We closely follow all innovative developments in the rail world,” assures Marcel Roost, Site Infrastructure Manager.
The Site Infrastructure employees are working on various innovations. Project leader Eefje Linnartz: “The Trackscan is a traction device equipped with cameras and laser equipment, with which we map the rail infrastructure to see where maintenance is required. We are also working on the Rolling Stock Evaluation Tool (RSET), with which we scan trains at the Chemelot site with cameras to see what the condition of the wagons is. In addition, we are increasingly using sensors to generate data. For example on the railway, where we measure the temperature in order to detect deviations in good time. There are also sensors on buffer yokes at the end of certain tracks. If they are hit by a locomotive or wagon, the sensor gives a signal so that they can be put back in the right place.”
Monitoring data for optimization processes
Marcel: “I have high expectations for these innovations. The generated data helps to optimize our processes. In this way we can guarantee the safety of the rail infrastructure even better and work even more efficiently. But the future has even more in store: hybrid locomotives, hydrogen-powered locomotives, automatic coupling of wagons and global positioning of wagons. These techniques are still in their infancy. Together with ProRail and through World Class Maintenance, we closely follow these innovations.”
Watch the video: innovations Site Infrastructure